Friday, February 4, 2011

Jude's 16 Month Stats & Checkup

So, Jude was supposed to be seen at 15 months for his checkup, but somehow over the last year we got messed up and now all of his appointments are a month off. (We have his vaccinations scheduled a certain way that need to be a certain amount of months apart). Anyway, He & I got up bright and early this morning to take a trip to the pediatrician. She said he is doing great, 23lbs (I thought they told me he was 23lbs last time at 13 months but apparently he was 21.5lbs?) and 32.5 inches long putting him in the 90th percentile for height. 

Unfortunately, he has an ear infection in his left ear, so he will be taking some antibiotics for that. The Dr said that she is surprised that he hadn't had one since May and that most babies get them more often, so i suppose that is good. Jude did not like his shots at all (but really, who does) and stared down the nurse like she was the devil. I think I felt more sorry for her, she didn't seem to take is so well.

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