We are excited to share with all of our friends & family that we are expecting baby #2 come July 2011! My estimated due date is July 2nd but one thing I learned the first time around, it really is an estimation :) Michael & I had the pleasure of hosting Thanksgiving this year at our house and we decided to tell both sides of our family then, since we were all together. The news was received with happiness! We wanted to be creative this time with telling our friends and family so we decided to share our exciting news on our Christmas card (above). Thank you to everyone for your excitement and well wishes, it truly means the world to us to have your encouragement!! I will be 10 weeks as of tomorrow, so 1/4 of the way down. Although, to be honest, we're in much less of a hurry this time. Not that we are not excited, but we know what we are in for.
I am feeling much better (weeks 4-8 were not very kind) and starting to feel like myself again (or the pregnant version of myself). Here are a few ultrasound pictures from my last doctors appointment. Just a cute little blob but with a strong heartbeat! Ultrasound taken at 8 weeks, 3 days.
PS: I also have a few pregnancy related posts you will now see below I am now able to share.
Grow, sweet little Reese fetus! Grow! :) So happy for you guys!